Lectures information Professor Kenichi Ishikawa (2014)

Lectures by Prof. Ishikawa

Lectures at the University of Tokyo

Online Lectures


Science for Light-Supreme technology and ideas for an illuminating future

  • No.7: Challenge to realize instant moment-Ultra-short pulse laser (Kenichi Ishikawa)
  • No.8: Challenge to realize high energy- High-intensity laser (Kenichi Ishikawa)

Online Lectures: http://ocwx.ocw.u-tokyo.ac.jp/course_11387/

2012 Winter

”Science for Light-Supreme technology and ideas for an illuminating future” (Global Focus on Knowledge) by Makoto Gonokami and others
Arts and Sciences, 2012 Winter

“Faster and Stronger”

  • No.7: Challenge to realize instant moment-Ultra-short pulse laser (Kenichi Ishikawa)
  • No.8: Challenge to realize high energy- High-intensity laser (Kenichi Ishikawa)

Online Lectures: http://ocw.u-tokyo.ac.jp/lecture?id=11351

Tokyo University academic overview lecture

On-Campus Lectures in AY2014

  • “Fundamentals in Nuclear Physics” (Dept. of Nuclear Engineering and Management, Graduate School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo)
  • “Advanced Plasma and Laser Science” (Dept. of Nuclear Engineering and Management, Graduate School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo)
  • “Quantum Beam Generation Engineering” (Dept. of Nuclear Engineering and Management, Graduate School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo)
  • “Nuclear Energy and Radiation”(駒場総合科目 物質・生命一般)
  • “Laser, Beam, Plasma – Energy science and its application to our modern life” (駒場総合科目 物質・生命一般)
  • “Intelligent Life Colloquium” (Systems Design & Management course, Department of Systems Innovation, Faculty of Engineering, the University of Tokyo)

Lecture materials: http://ishiken.free.fr/english/lecture.html

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Lectures at Other Universities

Intensive Seminar at the University of Tsukuba, Japan (2014/1/20-21)

Kenichi Ishikawa “High-Intensity Field Phenomenon and Attosecond Science”
Doctoral and Master’s Programs in Physics, Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba

Invitation intensive course at the University of Tsukuba

Invited Lectures at the University of Hamburg, Germany (2013/11/18, 19, 20)

K. L. Ishikawa, “Laser-matter interaction: from atoms to tissues”
Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL), University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Invited lecture at the University of Hamburg (Germany)