東京大学 大学院工学系研究科 石川研究室

Archives : May, 2015


image for rareevent
6th Rare Event Workshop was held on May 18th (Mon) at the University of Tokyo, Hongo Campus, Engineering Building 3 - Meeting Room 424. The Workshop was jointly carried out with APSA (Advanced Photon Science Alliance), UT-PSC (Photon Science Center of the University of Tokyo), IPST (Institute for Photon Science and Technology) and ICCPT. <Program> 14:00 - 15:00 Prof. Hirohiko KONO (Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Scie...

Guidance on NEM Entrance Exam

image for Guidance on NEM Entrance Exam
Guidance on Entrance Exam by the Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management (NEM)  for AY2016 【1st】2015/5/12 (Tue)  17:00~ 【2nd】2015/5/27 (Wed)  17:00~ 【3rd】2015/6/13 (Sat) 14:00~ Click Here for details. NEM welcomes students with various background - nuclear power, energy and environment, computational science, electronics and electron, mechanics and materials, physics and chemistry, and social science etc. Click...