東京大学 大学院工学系研究科 石川研究室

Archives : Sep, 2015

Ryohto Sawada became "Dr." Sawada!

image for Ryohto Sawada became
Our member, Ryohto Sawada completed his doctoral course on September 25th, 2015 and became “Dr. Sawada”.  Congratulations!!  He is planning to visit Prof. Dr. Joachim Burgdörfer laboratory at Vienna University of Technology (Technische Universität Wien), Austria for about 2 months to write a code to analyze molecular dynamics under attosecond laser pulse.  

2015 Nobel Prize Forecast

image for 2015 Nobel Prize Forecast
On September 24th, 2015, Thomson Reuters announced the 2015 Thomson Reuters Citation Laureates, which have accurately forecast the Nobel Prize winners of the year since 2002. It includes 2 Japanese scientists and 2 attosecond scientists, Professor Dr. Paul Corkum (Canada) and Professor Dr. Ferenc Krausz (Germany), in the field of physics for their contribution to the development of attosecond physics.  We congratulate the Laureates and hope th...