東京大学 大学院工学系研究科 石川研究室

Archives : Sep, 2014

University of Tokyo Associate Professor: Kazuyuki Sakaue

image for University of Tokyo Associate Professor: Kazuyuki Sakaue

Advanced laser/quantum beam, such as free electron laser and high-order harmonic pulses, have a possibility to pioneer a novel laser material processing. I am experimentally investigating phenomena in irradiating such advanced sources to the materials cooperating with theoretical studies in Ishikawa Lab.

University of Tokyo Project Researcher: Hiroki Katow

image for University of Tokyo Project Researcher: Hiroki Katow

I’ve been working in the field of light-matter interacting systems, mostly based on
first principles calculations like density functional theory (DFT) and Green function method (GW+BSE). Non-pertubatively excited systems are one of the most exciting front lines of condensed matter physics.

University of Tokyo Project Researcher: Arqum Hashmi

image for University of Tokyo Project Researcher: Arqum Hashmi

I joined the Prof. Ishikawa theory group because they have outstanding theoretical expertise in the field of light-matter interaction, whether it’s atoms, molecules, or solids. I’m really enjoying working here. If you are interested in this exciting field, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Professor Ishikawa.

University of Tokyo Project Researcher: Haifeng Lang,

image for University of Tokyo Project Researcher: Haifeng Lang,

Welcome and wish to meet you in Ishikawa/Sato Lab !

University of Tokyo mastert course: Hiroki Gi

image for University of Tokyo mastert course: Hiroki Gi

I get many feedback from the labmember, and I am doing research with joy.
I recommend Ishikawa lab to those who want to do quantum chemistry calculation using quantum computer.

University of Tokyo master course: Jianfei Yang

image for University of Tokyo master course: Jianfei Yang

The research lab has an open research atmosphere and the members are very enthusiastic about each other. If you want to study quantum computing, welcome to join the Ishikawa Research Lab!

University of Tokyo mastert course: Chihiro Osaku

image for University of Tokyo mastert course: Chihiro Osaku

I think it is a great environment if you are willing to challenge yourself, as you will receive generous support from professors and senior staff. I recommend it to those who want to be involved in cutting-edge research.

University of Tokyo mastert course: Daiju Horii

image for University of Tokyo mastert course: Daiju Horii

I recommend this lab because you can learn about quantum mechanics from the basics in detail. I am glad that my seniors and classmates in the lab are all good people.

University of Tokyo master course: Koichi Kiuchi

image for University of Tokyo master course: Koichi Kiuchi

There are no core hours, and you can conduct research at your own convenience.
In addition, there are several laboratories and research institutes with which we are connected, and you can be involved in research conducted by external laboratories and research institutes in addition to following up within the laboratory.

University of Tokyo master course: LI Siyuan

image for University of Tokyo master course: LI Siyuan

This is an excellent research laboratory for those who want to search for the secrets of physic world by using ultra-fast laser. I think you will enjoy the rigorous and free academic atmosphere of our laboratory.